Uta Hagen--

"We must overcome the notion that we must be regular...it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Oh how I love Kit Kats.  They describe just how I feel sometimes.  Like this morning.  Ice everywhere and I'm going to school on time. Seriously?

Sorry I've been a very bad blogger so far this year.  It's been a crazy few weeks with exams and school - and lack there of - not to mention all the snow/ice and a lot of excitement that I can't talk about on this blog because my lovely Uncle might read it and spoil his birthday present.  Which he'll never guess what it is at this point - so I don't want to ruin it now.

So I haven't had a whole lot to talk about, though here in the few coming weeks I probably will.  Especially at the end of February because I'm going to do something.  A lot of you may know what this thing is, but if you don't, I promise it's not too exciting and if you want to know, keep checking this blog for the news.

Having already said that I have pretty much nothing to talk about, you're probably wondering why I'm posting this.  And the answer is simply: Because of a contest.  Now, don't get too excited, I'm not having a contest.  I entered a contest, and I have to blog about it as part of it, just to spread the word.  So, if you're interested in winning a ARC of one of the YA Rebels on YouTube you should most definitely click here

Hope you're all staying warm!  Seems it's cold pretty much all over! Brrrrrrrr.

With eternal love and blessings,

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