Uta Hagen--

"We must overcome the notion that we must be regular...it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Leanna Renee Hieber makes my day (again) but twice today!

So I got on the computer earlier today and discovered I had a new email on my yahoo email address. For my article for the school newspaper this issue, I decided it'd be cool to do an interview with inspiring people. One of the top people on my list, of course, was Leanna Renee Hieber. So I sent her 14 questions and she replied to them last night, so I received them today. WOW! Her replies, of course, were well written, lovely, and awe inspiring! I can't wait to share them with my section and my editor-in-chief!

But then, Miss Hieber had to go and make this a happy day again, for when I got on blogspot, I saw that she had updated her blog! (Which is a happy occasion anyway...) But...

On April 27th, 2010 the can't-put-it-down series will continue. The eerie, suspenseful, mystery (genre hybrid) romance will be sequel-ed! The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker will have a sequel-- The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker!

I'm so excited! (If you can't tell by my big bold words!) Is that an AWESOME cover or what?!?


Have a wonderful and blessed day!

With eternal love and blessings!
Officially Inspired

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