Uta Hagen--

"We must overcome the notion that we must be regular...it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre."

Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day

Dear Readers,

You may not hear from me for about a week.  I have exams all of next week, save for Friday.  I really need to study for finals - considering math is a high school course, I really need to do well.  On top of that I have yet to take science, history, and music creation lab.  I'm really concerned for the first two and math.  Math especially.  So I'll be using a lot of my three day weekend to study. 

Friday is my last day of school, which is bitter sweet for me.  I don't want to say goodbye to my teachers, nor do I know how I will say goodbye to a lot of them.  It's my last day at the Junior High too, so I'll be saying goodbye to the building that I love.  But, on the bright side, it's summer vacation and I'll be able to do a lot of writing and reading!  I have a lot of plans this summer, so I'm excited to share that with my eight followers! 

I went to a Reds game on Wednesday night - hopefully I'll have pictures soon!

Monday is Memorial Day, so I ask you to please remember the veterans and troops - but also remember the loved ones you've lost. 

Cake Boss starts a new season on Monday, as well! I'm super excited!  A certain teacher of mine better be watching it!

I FINALLY finished The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker by Leanna Renee Hieber, and OMA LEANNA I LOVED IT!  I feel so bad that it took me so long to find the time to read it!  I also just started Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead and I'm loving it as well.  It's very yummy.  I'm 100 pages in and I'm aching for Dimitri to enter the story.  *tick tock...*

Well, I must go.  Happy Memorial Day!

With eternal love and blessings,
Officially Inspired


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