Uta Hagen--

"We must overcome the notion that we must be regular...it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This is the only part of my novel that I've made public. It is the preface to my novel, No Title.

For those of you who don't know, a preface is not a blurb from the book, but it does a lot of times foreshadow a major event in the book.

For example, in the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, the preface starts out "I'd never given much thought to how I would die..." This foreshadows an event in the novel, but is not used again word for word.

With that in mind this is the preface to my novel. It does foreshadow an event, but will not be used word for word. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Sorry, I have been advised not to post anything about my novel b/c if/when I go to publish, some agents/publishers will consider it published if it is openly available for anyone to read.


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